Stop Offshoring
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Two years ago, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry carried the torch for offshoring opponents, citing "Benedict Arnold CEOs" who willingly weakened the U.S. economy to fatten their wallets by sending jobs offshore. With the Democrats regaining control of Congress, does the shift in power indicate a change in the stance against offshoring? Unfortunately, the answer is most likely "no". Offshoring was not a major issue during the 2006 elections. Some Democratic winners, including Virginia's Jim Webb and Missouri's Claire McCaskill, have attacked offshoring during their campaigns, but by and large, the only major issue related to offshoring was the fight over illegal immigration.
With offshoring momentum gaining and an economy sporting low unemployment, don't look for politicians to call for a slowdown in offshoring until the 2008 campaign season approaches.
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