Stop Offshoring
Friday, May 02, 2008
I read an Industry Standard article earlier this week titled "10 reasons that start-ups 100% absolutely should outsource (almost) everything". Of the ten reasons, I agree with #8 (Outsourcing keeps you from hiring the wrong person) because firing a contractor is easier than firing an employee. I also agree mostly with #1 (Outsourcing lets companies be an expert in everything) if you're talking about a software company outsourcing HR, for instance.

As for the other points, if the author really thinks that outsourcing (almost) everything, including the company's core competency, is a good idea, especially outsourcing to offshore contractors, I totally disagree. I wonder how many start-ups the author has worked at? How many outsourcing companies has she dealt with before? None of the author's other points match my experience, and when it comes to offshoring, it has more often been the reverse of what she claims.

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