Stop Offshoring
Thursday, July 29, 2004
I didn't watch John Edwards' speech at the Democratic National Convention last night, but I've listened to excerpts of it on the radio this morning and read some of it online.  Pertaining to the issue of offshoring jobs, he says:

"First, we can create good paying jobs in America again. Our plan will stop giving tax breaks to companies that outsource your jobs. Instead, we will give tax breaks to American companies that keep jobs here in America."

That would be a good start, much further than Bush has been willing to go.  The Republican response to offshoring, from what I've been able to tell so far, has been that it's a GOOD thing (??) and we should let it continue. 

OK, I think I know who I'm gonna vote for in November, or at least who I WON'T be voting for!

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