Stop Offshoring
Wednesday, May 12, 2004 had a special series on offshoring last week.
I found one quote in the first article that typified the type of unconvincing argument for offshoring that I keep hearing. Again, the writer believes that education will be the key to saving American jobs:
The key to the school's approach is not training students in a particular skill that could soon become obsolete, but rather helping them develop critical-thinking and project management abilities
Ahem, I hate to tell you, but Americans are already better educated than Indians in the area of critical-thinking and project management. However, hiring managers still look for the tech skill du jour, exactly the opposite of what the author recommends. Until American companies learn that the best employees ARE the well-rounded ones with critical-thinking and project management skills, not some foreigner with a semester of Java under his belt, no amount of education will make a difference.
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