Stop Offshoring
Friday, January 16, 2004
An AOL member informed me that one of the headline news panels on the AOL home page yesterday discussed the loss of U.S. jobs to overseas workers. Glad to hear the issue is getting more publicity!

I've been busy at work the last two weeks since I started on a new project. The project itself has been going on for months. Before I joined, the project team was composed entirely of Indians, both employees and contractors, mostly H-1Bs. Now that the project is way behind, our company is pulling in resources from other groups to help out.

This is yet another instance where the H-1Bs may be cheaper workers, but they obviously aren't as productive as we expected. I looked at some of the modules they've developed so far, and I can't believe it's taken them this long to finish it. The work should've been done in weeks, not months. So much for the argument that Indian counterparts are as capable as American programmers.

Now the project dates have slipped and the rest of us are overworked trying to salvage it. Who is benefitting here? The company? Nope. The overworked American workers? Nope. The only beneficiaries I see are the Indian H-1Bs. Great....

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