Stop Offshoring
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
What can we as individuals do to stop the offshoring problem? Here are some ideas I had.

The Stop Offshoring Action Plan:

1) If you discover that a company whose product you use engages in offshoring, stop buying from the company and write them to tell them why you will no longer be their customer. If these companies care only about money, hit them where it hurts the most -- their pocketbooks.

2) If you are a manager in charge of personnel decisions, DO NOT outsource U.S. positions to foreign companies and severely review any decisions to hire H-1Bs. H-1Bs are meant to find skills not found in this country. Ask yourself, is the skill REALLY not available here?

3) Educate managers about the pitfalls of offshoring. They may be aware only of the cost savings and not the negative impact on their companies and American workers.

4) Look into organizations such as TechsUnite ( that are spearheading the opposition to offshoring.

5) Write your representatives to tell them how you feel about offshoring and your support for legislation such as the IT Disclosure Act.

6) Tell others about this blog. The more people we can educate, the better.

If you have any other ideas, you can email them to me at

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