Stop Offshoring
Friday, November 21, 2003
I was shocked, angry, and disappointed to discover that our government is outsourcing jobs to foreign workers. How un-American is it to replace American U.S. government workers with non-Americans? Do you think a worker in India has YOUR best interests in mind?
State jobs don't belong abroad - NY Daily News:
"Every American should be outraged by the massive outsourcing of U.S. jobs overseas.
"This new trend is not about efficiency, higher productivity or skill level, but about selling out American jobs to cheap foreign labor. A new study from the University of California-Berkeley reports that as many as 14 million U.S. service jobs are at risk of being shipped overseas.
"But it's not just corporations. Many state and local governments are following the pathetic example set by corporate America. And the trend is expected to worsen...."
"One of the most mystifying examples is Indiana. The state's Department of Workforce Development is responsible for helping out-of-work Indiana citizens find jobs. Ironically, the department has awarded a $15 million contract to update its computers to the Bombay firm Tata. The project will provide employment to 65 workers coming from India on L-1 visas..."
"This is, of course, the worst kind of shortsighted thinking. New Jersey state Sen. Shirley Turner points out that outsourcing government jobs overseas ultimately results in higher costs to state and local governments and lost income tax revenue.
"'If people don't work they don't pay taxes, and if people don't pay taxes we can't provide the services that we're responsible for providing,' the Democrat says."
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