Stop Offshoring
Monday, November 08, 2010
One of the common excuses for defending offshoring (after penny pinching) is that the U.S. will continue to excel at R&D while offshoring manufacturing to the rest of the world. A Huffington Post article today exposes that fallacy as unsustainable. Eventually, the U.S. will become a second tier industrial power as a result. The solution, which I've also argued for, is to motivate companies that keep jobs here rather than sending them abroad. The U.S. can't just become a nation of idea generators. We also need to manufacture the products that come out of those ideas!
Monday, November 01, 2010
Can the green industry save U.S. jobs as well as the environment? It has the potential to, according to two articles I read recently - here and here. Not only may clean energy companies increase the number of manufacturing jobs in this country, but it will also play into what is supposedly the strength of American workers, being the technology leaders in developing new energy sources and the infrastructure to support them. One industry alone can't save the U.S. from the millions of jobs it sent offshore, but it's a step in the right direction.