Stop Offshoring
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Let's say you're an executive at a company that is considering outsourcing IT to India. Your employees who have worked at other companies that have offshored IT tell you that what you're planning to do won't work. Other employees who came from India and know folks in the India IT outsourcing industry advise you against it. Do you still do it?

If you are one of the idiot executives who work at the company that one of my friends works at (I will say only that it is a financial services company), then the answer is unfortunately "yes". My friend is telling me about plunging morale and more work for those who remain to manage the offshore workers. How is this a good decision for the company?

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Happy new year!
Some possible good news to start 2008: my current employer, who has been outsourcing some Engineering functions to India, is having second thoughts. We are finding (not to my surprise, of course) that the engineers in India aren't nearly as skilled as they promoted themselves to be, and we are running into all kinds of problems with their work (or more precisely, lack thereof). There is a high probability that we'll pull the plug and bring back the work that was outsourced to them.

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