Stop Offshoring
Monday, October 15, 2007
The primary reason that companies offshore jobs is to save money. This reason may not hold as much water nowadays, with rising wages and a weak dollar, as this blog entry points out. Hopefully, this will sound the death knell for offshoring. We sure can't rely on the brilliance of executives to figure out that offshoring isn't worth it. Maybe the new dollars and cents equation will finally make them see the light.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Two articles (here and here) talk about a recent UK research report showing that mid-level IT jobs are shrinking due to offshoring, although management and consulting positions are still growing. The mid-level jobs include positions such as software developers, which were once thought to be complex enough to be safe from offshoring. Apparently, they aren't, and a new class of knowledge workers can look forward to losing their jobs to cheaper (albeit inferior) workers half a world away. For the moment, jobs higher in the food chain have not been as negatively affected, but it's just a matter of time before the same managers who were so eager to let go of their employees to save a few bucks find their own jobs in jeopardy.