Stop Offshoring
Sunday, January 21, 2007
I've recently been seeing studies that supposedly show that offshoring doesn't result in job losses. In my opinion, they are flawed in that they're confusing offshoring's effect on jobs with a bull market. With the economy booming, it seems like jobs aren't being lost to offshoring, but how many more jobs could've gone to American workers if companies didn't send jobs abroad to places like India? And what do you think will happen during the next economic downturn? Do you think companies are going to cut their offshore workers or their US-based workers? Tell me how little impact offshoring will have on domestic jobs then!
Monday, January 01, 2007
A new year often brings new hope and optimism. Such is not the case, however, for anti-offshoring believers. Recent headlines show more western companies sending jobs offshore and Indian firms trumpeting their success in stealing our jobs. The only silver lining I saw was a report of more data thefts from Indian call centers.
Let's see what the new year brings on the offshoring front.