Stop Offshoring
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Check out this CNET article about offshoring and data theft.

A quote from the article:

But today--for near-term cost savings, access to emerging markets and, in some cases, the availability of talent itself--Western European and American businesses are contracting people they have never met, living in countries with no concern about proprietary data or this nation's innovative edge.


While it is one thing to offshore the cheap jobs, it is another thing to breed low-cost competitors for the future.

Yeah, sounds pretty dumb to blindly send jobs and data offshore, doesn't it?

Thursday, August 11, 2005
For those who thought offshoring was just a temporary phenomenon used by companies during rough economic times to cut costs, I wish you were right, but sadly, the truth is otherwise. With the U.S. economy doing well, I see no letdown in the offshoring trend.

This report, among others, show that companies in the U.S. and Europe are continuing to send jobs abroad, sacrificing the livelihoods of their own citizens at expense of padding executive pocketbooks, not to mention helping building up foreign competitors who will one day take advantage of the generous financial and intellectual gifts we've bestowed upon them to use against us.

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