Stop Offshoring
Monday, September 27, 2004
Lest we think the job situation has righted itself this year, here's a San Francisco Chronicle article that states otherwise, with offshoring partly to blame: Tech jobs become scarcer/Offshoring takes its toll, as employment rate falls below levels during recession.

"The fact that the losses continued suggests something has changed in the information technology industry,'' said University of Illinois economist and urban planner Nik Theodore, the report's co-author. He blamed the offshore migration of employment, a greater use of off-the-shelf rather than custom programs, and general employer nervousness for retarding job recovery.

Marcus Courtney, president of WashTech, which has 450 members nationwide and represents about 30 workers in the Seattle area, said, "The magnitude of the job losses coming three years into a recovery'' suggests national policies are needed to discourage the offshoring of jobs and the importing of foreign tech workers on temporary visas.

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